Source code for pyproj.exceptions

Exceptions for pyproj

[docs]class ProjError(RuntimeError): """Raised when a Proj error occurs.""" internal_proj_error = None def __init__(self, error_message: str) -> None: if self.internal_proj_error is not None: error_message = ( f"{error_message}: (Internal Proj Error: {self.internal_proj_error})" ) ProjError.clear() super().__init__(error_message)
[docs] @staticmethod def clear() -> None: """ This will clear the internal PROJ error message. """ ProjError.internal_proj_error = None
[docs]class CRSError(ProjError): """Raised when a CRS error occurs."""
[docs]class GeodError(RuntimeError): """Raised when a Geod error occurs."""
[docs]class DataDirError(RuntimeError): """Raised when a the data directory was not found."""