Change Log ========== 2.1.3 ~~~~~ * Added support for time transformations (issue #208) * Fixed projection equivalence testing for transformations (pull #231). * Switch to pytest for testing (pull #230) * Various testing fixes (pull #223, #222, #221, #220) * Convert PROJ error messages from bytes to strings (pull #219) * Fix data dir path separator to be (;) for windows and (:) for linux (pull #234) 2.1.2 ~~~~~ * Updated to use the CRS definition for Proj instances in transforms (issue #207) * Add option to skip tranformation operation if input and output projections are equivalent and always skip if the input and output projections are exact (issue #128) * Update method for checking PROJ version (pull #211) * Add internal proj error log messages to exceptions (pull #215) 2.1.1 ~~~~~ * Restore behavior of 1.9.6 when illegal projection transformation requested (return ``inf`` instead of raising an exception, issue #202). kwarg ``errcheck`` added to :func:`~pyproj.transformer.transform` and :func:`~pyproj.transformer.itransform` (default ``False``). When ``errcheck=True`` an exception is raised. 2.1.0 ~~~~~ * Added :class:`~pyproj.transformer.Transformer` to make repetitive transformations more efficient (issue #187) * Added fix for using local datumgrids with transform (issue #191) * Added :meth:`~pyproj.transformer.Transformer.from_pipeline` to support pipeline transformations. * Added fix for conversion between radians/degrees for transformations (issues #192 & #195) 2.0.2 ~~~~~ * add filter for boolean values in dict2string so "no_rot=True" works (issue #183). * make sure .pxd files included in source tarball. * add radians flag back in for transform/itransform (issue #185). 2.0.1 ~~~~~ * Ensure data path set properly for TransProj (pull request #179, addressed issue #176). 2.0.0 ~~~~~ * Update to PROJ.4 version 6.0.0 & removed support for older PROJ.4 versions. * Added pyproj.CRS class. * Updated pyproj.Proj & pyproj.transform to accept any input from CRS.from_user_input. * Removed internal PROJ.4 source code. * Changed default for preserve_units to be True in pyproj.Proj class initialization. * Modified logic for searching for the PROJ.4 data directory to not conflict with older versions of PROJ.4. * Added pyproject.toml. 1.9.6 ~~~~~ * fix segfault when inverse projection not defined (issue #43, pull request #44). * supports python 3.7 ~~~~~~~ * fix for issue #42 (compilation error with microsoft visual studio). 1.9.5 ~~~~~ * update proj4 source to latest github master (commit 953cc00fd87425395cabe37641cda905c4b587c1). * port of basemap fix for input arrays in fortran order * restore inverse Hammer patch that was lost when proj4 source code was updated. 1.9.4 (git tag v1.9.4rel) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * migrate to github from googlecode. * update proj4 source code from svn r2595 (version 4.9.0RC2). * include runtime_library_dirs in * added to_latlong method (issue 51). * fix back azimuth when lon1 and lon2 are identical. 1.9.3 (svn revision 327) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Geod now uses C code adapted from geographiclib now included in proj4 source, instead of pure python code directly from geographiclib. * make radians=True work with Geod.npts (issue 47). * allow PROJ_DIR env var to control location of proj data (issue 40). 1.9.2 (svn revision 301) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * updated proj4 src to 4.8.0 - includes two new map projections (natearth and isea). 1.9.1 (svn revision 285) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * restore compatibility with python 2.4/2.5, which was broken by the addition of the geographiclib geodesic module (issue 36). 1.9.0 (svn revision 282) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * use pure python geographiclib for geodesic computation codes instead of proj4. * don't use global variable pj_errno for return codes, use pj_ctx_get_errno instead. * use new projCtx structure for thread safety in proj lib. * update C source and data from proj4 svn (r2140). * add pj_list and pj_ellps module level variables (a dict mapping short names to longer descriptions, e.g. pyproj.pj_list['aea'] = 'Albers Equal Area'). 1.8.9 (svn revision 222) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Python 3 now supported. * allow 'EPSG' init (as well as 'epsg'). This only worked on case-insensitive filesystems previously. Fixes issue 6. * added inverse to Hammer projection. * updated proj.4/src/pj_mutex.c from proj4 svn to fix a threading issue on windows (issue 25). Windows binary installers updated (version 1.8.8-1), courtesy Christoph Gohlke. * if inputs are NaNs, return huge number (1.e30). 1.8.8 (svn revision 196) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * add extra datum shift files, added test/ (fixes issue 22). datum shifts now work correctly in transform function. 1.8.7 (svn revision 175) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * reverted pj_init.c to old version (from proj4 4.6.1) because version in 4.7.0 includes caching code that can cause segfaults in pyproj (issue 19). * added 'preserve_units' keyword to Proj.__init__ to suppress conversion to meters. 1.8.6 (svn revision 169) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * now works with ms vs2008, vs2003 (fixed missing isnan). * updated to proj 4.7.0 (fixes a problem coexisting with pyqt). * allow Geod instance to be initialized using a proj4 string 1.8.5 (svn revision 155) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * allow Proj instance to be initialized using a proj4 string (instead of just a dict or kwargs). 1.8.4 (svn revision 151) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * updated proj4 sources to version 4.6.0 1.8.3 (svn revision 146) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * fixed bug in Geod class that caused erroneous error message "undefined inverse geodesic (may be an antipodal point)". * fix __reduce__ method of Geod class so instances can be pickled. * make sure points outside projection limb are set to 1.e30 on inverse transform (if errcheck=False). * fixed small bug. * generate C source with Cython (pycompat.h no longer needed). 1.8.2 ~~~~~ * added 'srs' (spatial reference system) instance variable to Proj. * instead of returning HUGE_VAL (usually 'inf') when projection not defined and errcheck=False, return 1.e30. * added Geod class for geodesic (i.e. Great Circle) computations. Includes doctests (which can be run with pyproj.test()). * proj.4 source code now included, thus removing proj.4 lib dependency. Version 4.5.0 is included, with a patch to create an API for geodesic computations. * python 2.4 compatibility patch (suggested by Andrew Straw) from M. v. Loewis: 1.8.1 ~~~~~ * if given tuples, returns tuples (instead of lists). * test for numpy arrays first. * Fixed error in docstring example. * README.html contains html docstrings generated by pydoc. * Renamed to, created a new python module called Moved as code as possible from to * docstring examples now executed by doctest when 'pyproj.test()' is run. * added test to _pyproj.c which defines Py_ssize_t for python < 2.5. This is necessary when pyrex 0.9.5 is used. 1.8.0 ~~~~~ * Better error handling Proj.__init__. * Added optional keyword 'errcheck' to __call__ method. * If True, an exception is raised if the transformation is invalid. 1.7.3 ~~~~~ * python 2.5 support.