Building a Coordinate Reference System ====================================== .. versionadded:: 2.5.0 PROJ strings have the potential to lose much of the information about a coordinate reference system (CRS). More information: However, PROJ strings make it really simple to construct a CRS. This addition is meant to simplify the process of transitioning from the PROJ form of the string to the WKT form WKT. The CRS classes can be used in the :meth:`pyproj.transformer.Transformer.from_crs` method just like the :class:`` class. The current set of classes does not cover every possible use case, but hopefully it is enough to get you started. If you notice something is missing that you need, feel free to open an issue on GitHub. .. note:: PROJ >= 7.0.0 will have better support for aliases for datum names. If you have a previous version of PROJ, you will need to use the full name of the datum. There is support currently for the old PROJ names for datums such as WGS84 and NAD83. Here are links to the API docs for the pieces you need to get started: - :ref:`crs` - :ref:`coordinate_operation` - :ref:`datum` - :ref:`coordinate_system` Geographic CRS -------------- This is a simple example of creating a lonlat projection. PROJ string:: +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs .. code-block:: python from import GeographicCRS geog_crs = GeographicCRS() geog_wkt = geog_crs.to_wkt() This example is meant to show off different intialization methods. It can be simplified to not use the Ellipsoid or PrimeMeridian objects. PROJ string:: +proj=longlat +ellps=airy +pm=lisbon +no_defs .. code-block:: python from import Ellipsoid, GeographicCRS, PrimeMeridian from import CustomDatum cd = CustomDatum( ellipsoid=Ellipsoid.from_epsg(7001), prime_meridian=PrimeMeridian.from_name("Lisbon"), ) geog_crs = GeographicCRS(datum=cd) geog_wkt = geog_crs.to_wkt() Projected CRS ------------- Simple example using defaults. PROJ string:: +proj=aea +lat_0=0 +lon_0=0 +lat_1=0 +lat_2=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs .. code-block:: python from import ProjectedCRS from import AlbersEqualAreaConversion aeaop = AlbersEqualAreaConversion(0, 0) proj_crs = ProjectedCRS(conversion=aeaop) crs_wkt = proj_crs.to_wkt() More complex example with custom parameters. PROJ string:: +proj=utm +zone=14 +a=6378137 +b=6356752 +pm=lisbon +units=m +no_defs .. code-block:: python from import GeographicCRS, ProjectedCRS from import UTMConversion from import CustomDatum, CustomEllipsoid ell = CustomEllipsoid( semi_major_axis=6378137, semi_minor_axis=6356752, ) cd = CustomDatum( ellipsoid=ell, prime_meridian="Lisbon", ) proj_crs = ProjectedCRS( conversion=UTMConversion(14), geodetic_crs=GeographicCRS(datum=cd), ) crs_wkt = proj_crs.to_wkt() Bound CRS --------- This is an example building a CRS with `towgs84`. PROJ string:: +proj=tmerc +lat_0=0 +lon_0=15 +k=0.9996 +x_0=2520000 +y_0=0 +ellps=intl +towgs84=-122.74,-34.27,-22.83,-1.884,-3.4,-3.03,-15.62 +units=m +no_defs .. code-block:: python from import BoundCRS, Ellipsoid, GeographicCRS, ProjectedCRS from import TransverseMercatorConversion, ToWGS84Transformation from import CustomDatum proj_crs = ProjectedCRS( conversion=TransverseMercatorConversion( latitude_natural_origin=0, longitude_natural_origin=15, false_easting=2520000, false_northing=0, scale_factor_natural_origin=0.9996, ), geodetic_crs=GeographicCRS( datum=CustomDatum(ellipsoid="International 1909 (Hayford)") ), ) bound_crs = BoundCRS( source_crs=proj_crs, target_crs="WGS 84", transformation=ToWGS84Transformation( proj_crs.geodetic_crs, -122.74, -34.27, -22.83, -1.884, -3.4, -3.03, -15.62 ), ) crs_wkt = bound_crs.to_wkt() Compound CRS ------------- The PROJ string is quite lossy in this example, so it is not provided. .. warning:: geoid_model support only exists in PROJ >= 6.3.0 .. code-block:: python from import CompoundCRS, GeographicCRS, ProjectedCRS, VerticalCRS from import Cartesian2DCS, VerticalCS from import LambertConformalConic2SPConversion vertcrs = VerticalCRS( name="NAVD88 height", datum="North American Vertical Datum 1988", vertical_cs=VerticalCS(), geoid_model="GEOID12B", ) projcrs = ProjectedCRS( name="NAD83 / Pennsylvania South", conversion=LambertConformalConic2SPConversion( latitude_false_origin=39.3333333333333, longitude_false_origin=-77.75, latitude_first_parallel=40.9666666666667, latitude_second_parallel=39.9333333333333, easting_false_origin=600000, northing_false_origin=0, ), geodetic_crs=GeographicCRS(datum="North American Datum 1983"), cartesian_cs=Cartesian2DCS(), ) compcrs = CompoundCRS( name="NAD83 / Pennsylvania South + NAVD88 height", components=[projcrs, vertcrs], ) crs_wkt = compcrs.to_wkt()