Advanced Examples

Optimize Transformations

Here are a few tricks to try out if you want to optimize your transformations.

Repeated transformations

Added in version 2.1.0.

If you use the same transform, using the pyproj.transformer.Transformer can help optimize your transformations.

import numpy
from pyproj import Transformer, transform

transformer = Transformer.from_crs(2263, 4326)
x_coords = numpy.random.randint(80000, 120000)
y_coords = numpy.random.randint(200000, 250000)

Example with pyproj.transformer.transform():

transform(2263, 4326, x_coords, y_coords)

Results: 160 ms ± 3.68 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)

Example with pyproj.transformer.Transformer:

transformer.transform(x_coords, y_coords)

Results: 6.32 µs ± 49.7 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100000 loops each)

Transforming with the same projections

pyproj skips noop transformations.

Transformation Group

Added in version 2.3.0.

The pyproj.transformer.TransformerGroup provides both available transformations as well as missing transformations.

  1. Helpful if you want to use an alternate transformation and have a good reason for it.

>>> from pyproj.transformer import TransformerGroup
>>> trans_group = TransformerGroup("EPSG:4326","EPSG:2964")
>>> trans_group
<TransformerGroup: best_available=True>
- transformers: 8
- unavailable_operations: 1
>>> trans_group.best_available
>>> trans_group.transformers[0].transform(66, -153)
(149661.2825058747, 5849322.174897663)
>>> trans_group.transformers[1].transform(66, -153)
(149672.928811047, 5849311.372139239)
>>> trans_group.transformers[2].transform(66, -153)
(149748.32734832275, 5849274.621409136)
  1. Helpful if want to check that the best possible transformation exists. And if not, how to get the missing grid.

>>> from pyproj.transformer import TransformerGroup
>>> tg = TransformerGroup("EPSG:4326", "+proj=aea +lat_0=50 +lon_0=-154 +lat_1=55 +lat_2=65 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=NAD27 +no_defs +type=crs +units=m", always_xy=True)
UserWarning: Best transformation is not available due to missing Grid(short_name=ntv2_0.gsb, full_name=, package_name=proj-datumgrid-north-america, url=, direct_download=True, open_license=True, available=False)
>>> tg
<TransformerGroup: best_available=False>
- transformers: 37
- unavailable_operations: 41
>>> tg.transformers[0].description
'axis order change (2D) + Inverse of NAD27 to WGS 84 (3) + axis order change (2D) + unknown'
>>> tg.unavailable_operations[0].name
'Inverse of NAD27 to WGS 84 (33) + axis order change (2D) + unknown'
>>> tg.unavailable_operations[0].grids[0].url

Area of Interest

Added in version 2.3.0.

Depending on the location of your transformation, using the area of interest may impact which transformation operation is selected in the transformation.

>>> from pyproj.transformer import Transformer, AreaOfInterest
>>> transformer = Transformer.from_crs("EPSG:4326", "EPSG:2694")
>>> transformer
<Concatenated Operation Transformer: pipeline>
Description: Inverse of Pulkovo 1995 to WGS 84 (2) + 3-degree Gauss-Kruger zone 60
Area of Use:
- name: Russia
- bounds: (18.92, 39.87, -168.97, 85.2)
>>> transformer = Transformer.from_crs(
...     "EPSG:4326",
...     "EPSG:2694",
...     area_of_interest=AreaOfInterest(-136.46, 49.0, -60.72, 83.17),
... )
>>> transformer
<Concatenated Operation Transformer: pipeline>
Description: Inverse of NAD27 to WGS 84 (13) + Alaska Albers
Area of Use:
- name: Canada - NWT; Nunavut; Saskatchewan
- bounds: (-136.46, 49.0, -60.72, 83.17)

Promote CRS to 3D

Added in version 3.1.

In PROJ 6+ you need to explicitly change your CRS to 3D if you have 2D CRS and you want the ellipsoidal height taken into account.

>>> from pyproj import CRS, Transformer
>>> transformer = Transformer.from_crs("EPSG:4326", "EPSG:2056", always_xy=True)
>>> transformer.transform(8.37909, 47.01987, 1000)
(2671499.8913080636, 1208075.1135782297, 1000.0)
>>> transformer_3d = Transformer.from_crs(
...     CRS("EPSG:4326").to_3d(),
...     CRS("EPSG:2056").to_3d(),
...     always_xy=True,
>>> transformer_3d.transform(8.37909, 47.01987, 1000)
(2671499.8913080636, 1208075.1135782297, 951.4265527743846)

Demote CRS to 2D

Added in version 3.6.

With the need for explicit 3D CRS since PROJ 6+, one might need to retrieve their 2D version, for example to create another 3D CRS compound between a 2D CRS and a vertical CRS.

>>> from pyproj import CRS, Transformer
>>> from import CompoundCRS
>>> src_crs = CRS("EPSG:4979") # Any 3D CRS, here the 3D WGS 84
>>> vert_crs = CRS("EPSG:5773") # Any vertical CRS, here the EGM96 geoid
>>> dst_crs = CompoundCRS( +, components=[src_crs.to_2d(), vert_crs])
>>> transformer_3d = Transformer.from_crs(src_crs, dst_crs, always_xy=True)
>>> transformer_3d.transform(8.37909, 47.01987, 1000)
(8.37909, 47.01987, 951.7851086745321)

Projected CRS Bounds

Added in version 3.1.

The boundary of the CRS is given in geographic coordinates. This is the recommended method for calculating the projected bounds.

>>> from pyproj import CRS, Transformer
>>> crs = CRS("EPSG:3857")
>>> transformer = Transformer.from_crs(crs.geodetic_crs, crs, always_xy=True)
>>> transformer.transform_bounds(*crs.area_of_use.bounds)
(-20037508.342789244, -20048966.104014594, 20037508.342789244, 20048966.104014594)


As of version 3.1, these objects are thread-safe:

If you have pyproj<3.1, you will need to create the object within the thread that uses it.

Here is a simple demonstration:

import concurrent.futures

from pyproj import Transformer

def transform_point(point):
    transformer = Transformer.from_crs(4326, 3857)
    return transformer.transform(point, point * 2)

with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=10) as executor:
    for result in, range(5)):

Optimizing Single-Threaded Applications

If you have a single-threaded application that generates many objects, enabling the use of the global context can provide performance enhancements.

For information about using the global context, see: Global Context

Here is an example where enabling the global context can help:

import pyproj

codes = pyproj.get_codes("EPSG", pyproj.enums.PJType.PROJECTED_CRS, False)
crs_list = [pyproj.CRS.from_epsg(code) for code in codes]

Caching pyproj objects

If you are likely to re-create pyproj objects such as pyproj.transformer.Transformer or, using a cache can help reduce the cost of re-creating the objects.


from functools import lru_cache

from pyproj import Transformer

TransformerFromCRS = lru_cache(Transformer.from_crs)

Transformer.from_crs(2263, 4326)  # no cache
TransformerFromCRS(2263, 4326)  # cache

Try it:

from timeit import timeit

    "CachedTransformer(2263, 4326)",
        "from pyproj import Transformer; "
        "from functools import lru_cache; "
        "CachedTransformer = lru_cache(Transformer.from_crs)"

    "Transformer.from_crs(2263, 4326)",
    setup=("from pyproj import Transformer"),

Without the cache, it takes around 2 seconds to do 100 iterations. With the cache, it takes 0.1 seconds to do 1 million iterations.

CRS Example

from functools import lru_cache

from pyproj import CRS

CachedCRS = lru_cache(CRS)

crs = CRS(4326)  # no cache
crs = CachedCRS(4326)  # cache

Try it:

from timeit import timeit

        "from pyproj import CRS; "
        "from functools import lru_cache; "
        "CachedCRS = lru_cache(CRS)"

    setup=("from pyproj import CRS"),

Without the cache, it takes around 1 seconds to do 1000 iterations. With the cache, it takes 0.1 seconds to do 1 million iterations.

Debugging Internal PROJ

Added in version 3.0.0.

To get more debugging information from the internal PROJ code:

  1. Set the PROJ_DEBUG environment variable to the desired level.

  2. Activate logging in pyproj with the devel DEBUG:

    More information available here:

    Here are examples to get started.

    Add handler to the pyproj logger:

    import logging
    console_handler = logging.StreamHandler()
    formatter = logging.Formatter("%(levelname)s:%(message)s")
    logger = logging.getLogger("pyproj")

    Activate default logging config:

    import logging
    logging.basicConfig(format="%(levelname)s:%(message)s", level=logging.DEBUG)