The easiest methods for installing pyproj are:
Use pip to install the binary wheels from PyPI:
python -m pip install pyprojNote
Linux (manylinux2014) wheels require pip 19.3+
pyproj 3+ wheels do not include transformation grids. For migration assistance see: Transformation Grids
The MacOS and Linux wheels are powered by cibuildwheel & multibuild
The Windows wheels versions <= 3.3.x were built by Christoph Gohlke
Use conda with the conda-forge channel:
conda config --prepend channels conda-forge conda config --set channel_priority strict conda create -n pyproj_env pyproj conda activate pyproj_envNote
“… we recommend always installing your packages inside a new environment instead of the base environment from anaconda/miniconda. Using envs make it easier to debug problems with packages and ensure the stability of your root env.” –
Avoid using pip install with a conda environment. If you encounter a python package that isn’t in conda-forge, consider submitting a recipe:
pyproj is maintained by the pyproj-feedstock maintainers
PROJ is maintained by the proj.4-feedstock maintainers
If these installation methods do not meet your needs, the section below provides further instructions for getting setup.
Install nightly wheels from anaconda:
python -m pip install pyproj --pre --extra-index-url
Transformation Grids¶
See: Transformation Grids
Installing from source¶
Version compatibility matrix:
pyproj |
<= 1.9.6 |
<= 5.2 |
2.0-2.1 |
6.0-7 |
2.2-2.3 |
6.1-7 |
2.4-2.6 |
6.2-7 |
3.0.0 |
7.2 |
3.0.1-3.2 |
7.2-9.1 |
3.3 |
8.0-9.1 |
3.4+ |
8.2+ |
3.5+ |
9+ |
3.7+ |
9.2+ |
3.8+ |
9.4+ |
Setup PROJ¶
PROJ is required when building from source.
PROJ Installation Instructions
You can also download PROJ from:
pyproj Build Environment Variables¶
Added in version 3.0.
This sets the version of PROJ when building pyproj. This enables installing pyproj when the PROJ executables are not present but the header files exist.
This is the path to the base directory for PROJ. Examples of how to set the PROJ_DIR environment variable:
set PROJ_DIR=C:\OSGeo4W\
export PROJ_DIR=/usr/local
This is the path to the directory containing the PROJ libraries. If not set, it searches the lib and lib64 directories inside the PROJ directory.
This is the path to the PROJ include directory. If not set, it assumes it is the includes directory inside the PROJ directory.
This is a boolean value used when building a wheel. When true it includes the contents of the pyproj/proj_dir/proj/share directory if present.
Boolean that sets the compiler directive for cython to include the test coverage.
Setup pyproj¶
In the, the order for searching for PROJ is:
environment variableThe internal PROJ directory (pyproj/proj_dir)
The proj executable in sys.prefix
The proj executable on the PATH
For best results, set the PROJ_DIR
environment variable to
point to location of PROJ installation before running
If you have a previous version of PROJ installed alongside the current version of PROJ, the best way to avoid conflicts is to:
Remove the previous PROJ from PATH & unset the PROJ_DATA` (PROJ 9.1+) | PROJ_LIB (PROJ<9.1) environment variables (temporarily)
Install PROJ to the internal PROJ directory (pyproj/proj_dir)
Set the environment variable
to point to the internal PROJ directorySet the environment variable
to trueBuild pyproj
Install pyproj¶
Cython or pip>=10.0.1 is required for the installation.
You may need to run pip with administrative privileges (e.g. sudo pip) or perform a user only installation (e.g. pip install –user).
From pypi:¶
pip install pyproj --no-binary pyproj
From GitHub with pip:¶
pip install git+
From cloned GitHub repo for development:¶
pip install -e .